
See you all, next season!!

Final Scores Declared


Bat Mobile Challenge

By Robotics Club

Yes mates... Here you are the 'Dark Knight' \m/ chasing the villains of Gotham in your own customized "Bat-mobile"! So don't be startled if you are asked: " Why so Serious?" -- by Jokers (basically the ones doing nothing in Takneek :P) So time to put on your mask...


Participant team is supposed to write a code to run an Autonomous Robot - a line follower along the path and park it in any one of end zones according to the two color strips on the line. These detections are to be stored and displayed someway (like on an LCD, LEDs or otherwise).

Rules and Regulations:

  • The dimensions of the Bot should not exceed 250mm (long) x 250 mm (wide) x 150 mm (height).
  • There would be two color strips (black/white) on the line (Total 4 Sets of color combinations possible).
  • Bot must display detected colors at checkpoint and stop for 5 seconds.
  • Bot will choose Path1 OR Path2 according to the color of first strip (Color-1) and then proceed for End Zone-1 OR End Zone-2 according to second color strip (Color-2). For example: Color-1=black & Color-2=black then bot must go along path1 and finish with End Zone-1
  • Also the bot will have to park itself in the respective block and zone indicating this with the LCD/LEDs.
  • Total of 5 minutes will be given to complete the task .

Team Specifications:

  • Maximum 5 members in a team.


Reaching to the checkpoint:30 points
Display of right color codes on LCD/LEDs:20 points
Choosing the correct path for the Block:20 points
Indicating the parking on the Block correctly:10 points
Choosing the correct path for the End Zone:20 points
Indicating the parking on the End Zone correctly:10 points
  • In case of a tie a rematch may be done or the winner may be the one whose bot took less time to complete the task.
  • Organizer's decision shall be binding and final.

Arena Specification:

  • The width of white line will be 2.5 cm with an error of 0.5 cm.
  • The figure of the arena has all dimensions in meter.


Anmol Pandey anmolp@iitk.ac.in +91 9454950394
Suhas Banshiwala sbanshi@iitk.ac.in +91 9532095127
Vikas Mishra vikasm@iitk.ac.in +91 9005850194