
To be conducted by Public Policy and Opinion Cell

Speaker 1

Envisioned on lines of Youth Parliament, participants will be given parliamentary roles and a mock session will be conducted on a motion set beforehand. Formal proceedings of the house including House Address, Discussion Hour, Question Hour will take place in order to give you the experience of being a parliamentarian. Participants will be judged on knowledge and understanding of the motion, presentation of their opinion, impact of their ideas on the public and questions asked during the session. The competition will be a two-day event with an elaborate structure shared a week before the competition. Interested participants may want to look at previous Sansad’s Structure for reference.

Judgement Criteria:
Research and Inferences/Opinion from Data: 20%
Introductory speech: 30%
Participation in Discussion to effective solution: 30%
Question and Replies: 10%
Parliamentary Code of Conduct: 10%