Hall Standings

After Results of 4/8 Events

Standing Last
PG Y20
Standing First
Hall 2
Standing Fifth
Hall 3
Standing Third
Hall 5
Standing Second
Hall 6
Standing Fourth
Hall 12

Score Board

For queries or contentions, contact the Operations and Management team

Weightage of 100 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Members Points (/100)

Weightage of 100 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Leader Points

Weightage of 50 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Leader Points

Weightage of 125 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Leader Points

Weightage of 125 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Hall results are different from best individual results due to added participation scores.
First: Hall 2,   Second: Hall 5,   Third: Hall 3,   Fourth: Hall 6,   Fifth: PG Y20,   Sixth: Hall 12

Rank Name MP represented Pool Score (/80)

Weightage of 250 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Leader Points

Weightage of 125 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Name Roll no. Pool Social media responses

Weightage of 125 points out of 1000 in Hall Standings

Rank Team Name Pool Team Leader Points