Case Study Challenge

To be conducted by Community Welfare Cell

Speaker 1

This competition will give students an opportunity to stretch their imagination and come up with innovative solutions to the day to day challenges faced by organisations in the social sector.

Round 1: Case Study

Students will be asked to participate in teams of 2 or 3 students. The teams will be given a case study that will be relevant to the functioning of organisations in the social sector. The Teams will have to submit a one-pager solution and a five minute video pitching their proposed solution and will have 48 hours to do so. The panel of judges will shortlist 10 teams based on these submissions.

Round 2: Presentation

The shortlisted teams will submit a presentation deepening their ideas as submitted in Round 1. These submissions will have to be made 24 hours before the actual presentation in front of the judging panel. Teams will be given 10 minutes to present followed by a 10-minute Q&A session by the judging panel.