Conditioning Exercises
Conditioning is caried out at the PE ground of IIT Kanpur, 5 to 6 days a week at 5:30am. A number of exercises are performed for improving the all round fitness of the trekkers, some of which are listed here.
List of exercises
- Warmup
- jump on toes, low and high knee jumps, back or butt jumps, jumping jacks, three touch, side stretches with legs wide open, lunges
- Running
- Walk on toes, walk on heels, calf stretches, jumps (on one leg at a time), high leg raises in front and sides, chest jumps (sometimes), three touch
- Squats (half, wide, full, one leg squats)
- Alternate toe touching, neck rotation, arm rotations
- Hands parallel to the ground (you can do it with carrying weights in your hands)
- Hill running stretch, hill running (different types)
- Push ups (normal, wide, diamond, close body, shoulder push ups, burpy)
- Planks (normal, side, one leg) and variations of it
- Up and down the stairs
- Frog jumps, duck walk, chair formation
- Abdominal exercises (different types)
- Crunches, flutter kicks, leg raises, cycling (forward and backward), leg up crunches and other variations
- Stretching
- L formation, stretching in pairs, butterfly stretch, calf stretches, hamstring stretch, bridge formation, back stretches
- Enjoy… Go home