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    One of the earliest encounters we had with the world of video games is in the form of hand-held video games. Having one was every child’s dream and it was the first item in our birthday list. Well, now is the time to relish your childhood dream by building our own game.

    Click here for more details

    Points: 35
  2. Embedded


    Everybody likes having their own gadgets. But what if you could make a gadget all by yourself. Here in the Embedded Design Challenge, Electronics club is providing you the opportunity to design your own gadget and play game on it.

    Click here for more details

    Points: 35
  3. FPGA


    Are you one of those who geeks who dream of building their own processor? Or do you want to do something that sets you apart from the rest of the electro maniacs? If yes, then, we have something great for you. Yes! We are talking about FPGA.

    Click here for more details

    Points: 30