Telescope Handling

By Astronomy Club

Very few of us have ever seen through a telescope before coming here, and even fewer have had the opportunity to handle one. This TAKNEEK we give you an opportunity to learn to use one most important instrument in the history of Science.

In the workshop you will be taught some basic stars gazing, identification of constellations, major stars, working principles of a telescope, etc. You will have hands on experience of handling a scope. We would have a small competition at the end of the workshop on the same lines as the star hunt. This workshop requires prior registration. There are limited number of telescopes; and limited number of slots. Can you afford to miss the opportunity?

Workshop Details

Date: 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th September (on slot basis, depending on the clarity of the skies)
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: SAC


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