Anime Society
Book Club
Dance Club
Debate and Discussion Society
Design And Animation Club
Dramatics Club
English Literary Society
Fine Arts Club
Film Club
Hindi Sahitya Sabha
Humour House
Music Club
Photography Club
Quiz Club
Student Film Society


“Making cartoons means very hard work at every step of the way, but creating a successful cartoon character is the hardest work of all.”
Loved watching cartoons as a kid? Want something similar, but with interesting and diverse stories, amazing music, and fluid animation? Look no further, anime is what you are looking for! Be it action, mystery, comedy, magic, science fiction, heart-wrenching emotional roller coasters that will make you weep, or just some simple story to pass the time with- we at the Anime Society have it all!
Metamorphosed from a hobby group to a fully-sanctioned club in 2019, the Anime Society at IIT Kanpur is a very recent addition to the Media and Cultural council. At the Anime Society of IIT Kanpur, we aim to introduce the campus community to anime and popularise this medium of storytelling.
The Anime Society conducts activities galore all around the year. We conduct special Anime Screenings, where one can experience the intense battles and stunning visuals on a big screen! We also conduct Anime quizzes (Beware! Our quizzes are not just anime trivia, but also touch upon mythology, history, philosophy, music and even science related to anime!) and discussions. We even organise Anime Cosplay events where the participants become anime characters themselves! The club also organises online events like the Pokémon Showdown Competitions (do you wanna be the very best?), Anime reviews(discussing anime, but slightly more formally), as well as podcasts (may your voice be heard by all). Already an anime fan? Then you are already a part of the family! Just drop by sometime and we would be happy to discuss your favourite shows, maybe exchange recommendations or listen to your rant about a show you did not like. New to anime? Contact us and we would love to get you started!


  1. Screenings
    Anime screenings are held regularly in the Open Air Theatre or Lecture Hall Complex. We generally show anime movies and ongoing anime series.
  2. Discussions
    Anime discussions are held occasionally, both formally and informally. Various aspects such as the cinematography, culture, music, art, philosophy and psychology related to specific or connected anime and mangas are discussed.
  3. VN Playthroughs
    Visual Novel is an interactive game genre, which originated in Japan, featuring text-based story with narrative style of literature and interactivity aided by static or sprite-based visuals, most often using anime-style art or occasionally live-action stills.
  1. Quizzes
    Quizzes testing anime and manga knowledge are held occasionally, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment.
  2. Cosplay
    This event is for freshers’ only and is held along with ‘Fashion Show’ organised by the Films and Media Club. In this event, participants display their costumes onstage as a group.
  3. Pokemon Showdown Tournaments
    Pokémon is an anime we all grew up watching and loving but many people don’t know about it’s competitive side. We organize tournaments of various kinds on Pokémon Showdown, a free pokémon battle simulator, in which both experienced and new players can participate and enjoy the nostalgia.


#FridayFanArt: Pankaj Kumar

Movie Screening: Colorful

#FridayFanArt: Shubhankar Srivastava

Movie Screening: Blue Exorcist

Fresher’s Night Cosplay IITK Y18

Fresher’s Night Cosplay IITK Y17



Shivam Lal


Gude Dayana


Umang garg




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