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Contest is Over Results are available here
Please report any non-working site to iohc [AT] techkriti [DOT] org 1. Start mailing your submissions to
2. The account value for a new account should be set to zero. In case it is the first account of user, it should be 10000. Note: A user can have multiple account.
3. Database Scheme:
Table 'users' :
i.username (VARCHAR)
ii.password (VARCHAR)
(username is unique)
Table 'userinfo' :
i.username (VARCHAR)
ii.accname (VARCHAR)
iii.balance (DOUBLE)
(accname is unique)

The table users contains the authentication data for all the users. Since a user can have multiple accounts, account details are placed in table 'userinfo'. 'userinfo' can have multiple accname for same username.
Initially, 'userinfo' table is empty and 'users' table has all teams' username and MD5-encrypted passwords.

The submission deadline is extended by 0130 hours to 0030 hours.

Due to some non-technical issues, round 2 of IOHC shall be held on February 16th from 5 PM to 10 PM. We regret the inconvenience caused to you.