How to submit?

Each registered team will have received a mail informing it of its password, which will be used for authenticating the submitted solutions. You will have to submit your solutions by mail to iopc@techkriti.org. The mail will be checked by an automated judge, and hence the problems need to be submitted in the standard format.

The subject of the mail has to be <Password> <problem no> <Language used> <Optional field : source file name>

Examples of valid subjects would be "team043243265 p1 c++" and "team43123412 p12 java Question".

Copy the contents of the source code in the body of the mail (do NOT attach the file!). End the code of the file with <--EOF-->, so that no more data will be read from the body of the mail. This is especially helpful when using mail servers like Yahoo, which add their signatures at the end.

The mail is to be sent from the leader's email-ID. The email-ID will be used to identify you. Mail from no other email-ID can be used to send the solution.

We have also provided a wrapper for mail submission through website. You may see delay in loading of pages, due to heavy load on the web-server. You can submit the solutions through the submission page.

C programmars please note

Please add the following line of code at the beginning of your program:
setvbuf(stdout, NULL , _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
otherwise your program may give CPU time limited exceeded error.

How to interpret the judge results?

You can observe the following replies:

Is there any penalty for wrong solutions?

Yes, you will be penalized 20 minutes for wrong submissions. The team solving the maximum number of problems in minimum aggragate time will be the winner in the contest.

The judge is giving compile error, while the program is working fine on my computer

With our previous experiences, we have learnt that people face the following errors while sending mail.

The Rank page is not showing my team!

The rank page will show only the top 100 teams.

The rank page is not update :(

The rank page will update itself, whenever you submit a correct solution.

How is my program going to get input?

Your program will get input through standard input, and the output of your program should be directed to the standard output. Use commands lie scanf (in C), cin (in C++), BufferReader (with System.in in java) etc for the inputs.

Does gcc support conio.h?

No, gcc does not support conio.h.

Where to mail my queries to?

Please mail all your queries to iopc_query@techkriti.org. Queries addressed to any other email will not be answered.