Opening Ceremony

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Launch of Entrepreneurship cell, IIT Kanpur (Prizes of INR 50,000)

E-Cell of IIT Kanpur will be launched on 9th January, 2009 along with the opening ceremony of Megabucks'09 in a grand manner. The launch will witness a talk by Mr. Andrew Horne, Managing Director- Xerox India as well as two of our own distinguished alumnni who themselves started very young and are succesful entrepreneurs today-

Naveen Tewari- Age 27(IITK alumni, Harvard Scholar, Ex Mckinsey analyst, Founder of

Jaya Jha (IITK-IIML alumni, Founder and Director of

They will guide students on career options in the current economic scenario and the importance of entrepreneurship as a student here. Being IIT K alumni, they are the ones who already walked down this path, so do benefit yourself by attending this session.

