
Forum aims at bringing today’s leading entrepreneurs, industrialists, professionals, businessmen, academicians & students under one roof to discuss corporate issues and problems, to teach and to learn, to inspire. Forum ’08 saw a host of eminent personalities, who had taken the road less traveled, dropped out of college and defied all odds to make it big, descend on the campus under the banner of Droppers’ Enclave. And going ahead with the theme of carving out your own unique niche, Forum ’09 brings you ‘YOUNG GUNS AND PIONEERS’.

We believe that a growing economy like India needs young entrepreneurs to come forward and make it big. Many of today's best-known entrepreneurs started their business when they were very young. For example Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Frank and Dan Carney who started Pizza Hut all started out young. Speakers at YGP are people who have been pioneers, people who have walked the most extraordinary path to glory and success. When their peers were looking at becoming engineers, doctors and MBAs, all they wanted was to be successful in that one way only they could see yet, that the rest of humankind would perhaps come to see in the years to come. They will be here to share the vision that guided them, the dreams that kept them awake, the perseverance that gave them company, and the victory that gave them the welcome.


Naveen Tewari - Founder and CEO, mKhoj.com
Amit Kumar - Country Head, Grail Research
Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi - Head Partner and Architect Audience Marketing, Microsoft India
Suhas Gopinath - World's Youngest Entrepreneur

